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WDYTYA? Live and Manor Park Crematorium

This week we had a great time at Who Do You Think You Are? Live and uploaded all cremation records from Manor Park Crematorium to the Deceased Online database.

Big thanks to everyone who came to see us and tried out the Deceased Online database at this year’s Who Do You Think You Are? Live. The show is the biggest family history event in the world and this year did not disappoint.

I was busy from Friday to Sunday meeting people on the Deceased Online stand, signing books and giving expert answers with the Society of Genealogists. I also met up with some lovely friends and colleagues, and generally didn’t stop talking for three days! As usual I sadly missed most of the many excellent talks on offer, but did catch a few minutes of William Roache speaking about his fascinating grandparents. His acting skills were much in evidence as he held the audience spellbound while recounting the tragic death of his grandfather.

Jamie, John and the team on the Deceased Online stand at WDYTYA? Live 2013
On the Deceased Online stand, I really enjoyed meeting new and old users of the database and showing them a few tricks, like how to search the headstones collections. Most of the time the stand was manned by Richard, Jamie, and John, who were ably assisted by a small army of helpers. We really appreciate the kind comments we received over the weekend, and subsequently, on our Twitter and Facebook pages.

Shirley Mayes got in touch to say, “Hello, yesterday while at the WDYTYA show Olympia I was talking to your colleagues and thanking them for the work that has been done to have all this information put onto the website. I recently had several brick walls knocked down because I was able to find burial details including maps and even a picture of a gravestone which included several members of our family (in Tonge Cemetery). Thank you all for this work you have done. It is really appreciated.”

The team showing visitors how to use the database.
And thanks also to Janet Coleman, who wrote on our Facebook wall: "I've been using the Manor Park Records to help me fill in some gaps in my research and would like to say thank you to everyone who played a part in getting the records online, it's a wonderful achievement. thank you, thank you!!"

Janet, and others who have an interest in East London, will be pleased to know that while we were at the show, all 42,000 records for Manor Park Crematorium were uploaded to the database. They comprise digital scans of registers for the period 1955 to 1991 and thereafter, computerised entries. The Crematorium is part of Manor Park Cemetery and Crematorium in Forest Gate. It is located in the centre of the cemetery grounds and is attached to the chapel, which was rebuilt in 1955 after being destroyed by enemy bombing in the Second World War. Complete with a columbarian and pavilion for lasting memorials, the crematorium has a beautiful woodland glade and remembrance garden. 

Greater London Competition
Thank you again to everyone who entered the competition to win a copy of Nick Barratt’s latest book. We have now announced the winners, who are: 
  1. Louise Woodley of Spain, who says, "I'm thrilled to bits!  This is the first thing I have ever won and I'm in my 40s!!!!!"
  2. Barry Rees of Pembrokeshire, who found his great-grandfather's records in Plumstead Cemetery on Deceased Online and recalls, "I still have his ship's tool chest and tools". 
  3. Helen McKee of Surrey, whose tiebreak stated that St Pancras Cemetery is her favourite, "because there lies my great-grandfather, XXXXXXXX, forgotten for decades but discovered on 90 years after his death."
Well done to all of you! Don’t worry if you didn’t win this time as we have more competitions coming up over the next few months.

We love hearing of family history discoveries in the database. Do let us know who you’ve found!


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