All records from Trafford Council’s cemetries are now on the database Full details of Dunham Lawn Cemetery, Sale Cemetery, and Urmston Cemetery have now been uploaded to the Deceased Online website joining records for Hale (Altrincham) and Stretford cemeteries. Although all are situated in the Trafford area of Greater Manchester, the three latest editions are quite distinct. The oldest is Sale Cemetery , also known as Sale Brooklands after its Cheshire location. The Brooklands area is named after a local businessman, Samuel Brooks, who bought a plot of land there in 1856. Sale Cemetery opened in Marsland Road a few years later on 29 August 1862. The popular Gothic Revival style of the High Victorian period is still much in evidence in the cemetery through numerous memorials, the lodge by the entrance, and the disused chapels. Dr. James Prescott Joule (1818-1889) The cemetery contains the grave of one of Britain's most renowned physicists, Dr. James Presco...