Deceased Online has upgraded the advance search facility specifically for Memorial/Monumental Inscriptions. Below I look in detail at the new changes and how you can better use the database to find your ancestors. The team at Deceased Online has been working hard to improve the Deceased Online search page . You should find searches (simple and advanced) of Monumental Inscriptions (MIs) present more accurate results, making it easier to find your ancestor. At present, the largest collection is that of Scottish MIs (SMIs) , and features around 300,000 individual names in over 200 cemeteries and kirkyards across Scotland. For those with English ancestors, look out for further additions coming soon of more than 100,000 MIs, many of which are from England. There are two major improvements in the new upgrade:- (i) Easier and more accurate searches of Monumental Inscriptions (MIs) (ii) Searching with Inscriptions/Headstone Collections. I look at them both in detail here and illust...