More burials added to our Lambeth (London) Collection on the database The full set of records from Streatham Cemetery has now been uploaded. Amongst the new data on Deceased Online are the burial details of some significant south Londoners of the twentieth century. Read more about the early years at Streatham Cemetery here . Charlie Wilson , the treasurer of the Great Train Robbery gang, also lies in Streatham Cemetery. Wilson met Bruce Reynolds in 1960 and they planned various heists, including £62,000 robbed from a security van in Heathrow Airport. Reynolds organised a group of 17 men to undertake the Great Train Robbery of 1963 and Wilson, as treasurer, distributed the shares of the haul, which amounted to £150,000 each. Wilson was tried in Aylesbury in 1964. In his court case, he said almost nothing and was nicknamed “the silent man”. He was sentenced to 30 years imprisonment, but after four months in HMP Winson Green he arranged for three men to break ...